The purpose of the Enterprise Risk Management Council is to assist with the integration and coordination of UNI's risk management efforts, provide leadership in assessing risk across the institution, help identify and prioritize areas for review, assist in identifying strategies to mitigate risk, and make recommendations on institutional policies and procedures in order to ensure effective and efficient practices to manage risk across the university.
Enterprise risk management seeks to create and enhance a campus wide culture of risk awareness, encourage due diligence in evaluation of risks and opportunities, and engage university employees in mitigating risk and realizing potential
Committee Membership for Academic Year 2022-2023
- Helen Haire - Director of Public Safety
- John Vallentine - Associate Provost for Faculty
- Joseph Rayzor - Director of Risk Management
- Justin Schemmel - Deputy Athletic Director/Internal Ops, Athletics Administration
- Leah Gutknecht - Assistant to the President, Compliance & Equity Management
- Marty Mark - Chief Information Officer
- Michelle Byers - Director of Human Resource Services
- Mike Zwanziger - Director of Facilities Management
- Patrick Pease - Associate Provost for Academic Affairs
- Shelley O'Connell - Executive Director of Health & Recreation Services
- Tim McKenna - University Counsel
- Joshua Randall - Internal Auditor
- Tolif Hunt - Director of Research & Sponsored Programs